The New Normal

September 24, 2023

Sometimes we stumble upon inspiration. Something that just resonates. This quote from Aldous Huxley is one of those. It fits so well what has happened over the past three years. It provides unusual clarity.

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives, that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” Aldous Huxley,

Early in life something inside me knew what Huxley is saying is true. When we were first married I said to my wife Melanie:

“If ever I become normal just dig a hole throw me in it and fill it back in.”

This is not from thinking I am above the rest. I am a rather average person in general. I just happen to recognize that normal is very sick and twisted and is content with deception.

Many can see now like never before how much of what we have believed is lies. Many we have trusted are corrupt.

I’ve always felt ok about holding unpopular ideas. Knowing full well some of them may be false. Because I believe this is always true of every one of us.

We are all being deceived about many things by our government.

The reality is our “science” used to determine what is true which translates into perceptions of what is normal, is not just deeply flawed it is corrupt.

What passes as science is really scientism, due to academia and media having been captured by government and corporate control.

Outcomes of studies are influenced by existing dogma, ideological agendas and sponsorship by powerful funding entities. Those that do not serve their agenda are censored or merely ignored.

Here is a look at how peer review, the primary means by which scientific studies are validated, has utterly failed.

The rise and fall of peer review – by Adam Mastroianni

The peer review process touted as a stamp of quality is a sham. Evidence based medicine is nothing more than systematic filtration by agenda compliance.

October 27 update:

I came across this article in the link below that is a phenomenal accounting of how this corruption played out regarding the use of hydroxychloroqine. To me this quote is so good it’s like finding the best chocolate in a box of good ones:

“I am Nietzschean, I am looking for contradiction, trouble to strengthen myself. The worst is the comfort: It makes you silly … The more humans you have, the less they think differently. The “politically correct,” the “compliant thinking” are only a mass effect, to be avoided, even if it is difficult to resist! … To follow the herd no brain is needed, legs are sufficient … I don’t like movements, I run in the opposite direction. In general, that is where there are nuggets.”

A quote is from Dr Raoult, the most cited microbiologist in Europe. I love radicals like him who swim upstream in a river of psychopathic gibberish.

Some explanation is in order having written an article titled “Nietzche’s Toxic Ideas”.

Nietzche was also cut from that cloth and was also brilliant but came to the wrong conclusions on the most important questions because of bitterness against God.

Here is a look at how medical schools have been corrupted.

America’s Broken Health Care: Diagnosis and Prescription – Imprimis

The curriculum content has seen an exchange of facts for wokism and profits for corporations with influence.

Speaking of wokism, the USA has five universities conducting transgender programs that use radical surgeries and hormones to do gender transformation on minors who are not to the age of being capable of understanding what terrible effects this experimentation will have on their health and longevity. More than half of the victims have serious surgical complications.

Here is shocking mortality information on the gay lifestyle. It may be worse for transgenders. I guarantee nothing like this is communicated as part of informed consent.

Our health authorities aggressively promote this and threaten any who object. What would formerly have resulted in a doctor losing their license to practice is now normal. This alone is enough to know for certain that our health authorities are not using science to make policy.

Here is my take on why this ideology has spread like wildfire. I feel for it’s victims. They are searching for something. Something we all need:

Human nature makes us unfit to conduct science. Science has produced great knowledge and technology but comes with impurities that leave us in a worse condition than our ancestors. It’s like a nice chocolate pie with a little excrement added in.

I believe things were similar prior to the great flood. Mankind had accumulated great knowledge then as now. But they made the same kind of pie.

We have an impossible task in seeking to keep the wheat and blow away the chaff. It’s very hard to filter out the poo in the pie.

Our science has come a long way in understanding the rules that govern how the physical world, including our bodies, works. But we have no idea how a physical body is controlled by a mind. We have no idea what a thought is. How being conscious can be possible. We haven’t a clue.

Humans attempt to use scientific knowledge to explain the origin of life, and produce an insane answer. This does not come from simple ignorance. Ignorance would admit the obvious. That everything we know points to a supreme creator with intelligence and power far beyond our understanding.

Modern science (scientism) has as dogma that the origin of life did not require an intelligent creator. This belief is the norm. This is considered normal.

It is difficult to begin to describe the intelligence of how DNA is utilized to make life possible. The scientists who know the most about this favor random origin over intelligent design. In fact this insanity is vehemently defended dogma.

This is considered normal. Huxley is absolutely right about our normal not being normal at all.

Of course refusal to accept the existence of the supernatural is not hard to understand. Humans want to be their own masters and master over others. We are prideful.

Matthias Desmet has described another kind of communal insanity he calls mass formation. Others have added the term psychosis on the end to emphasize its being a form of insanity. It is the result of another deeply rooted human tendency. We are vulnerable to manipulation by fear.

Here is a phenomenal description of it. Please don’t skip this one:

I believe this vulnerability has grown as the random origin insanity has taken hold. It is now normal to view ourselves not as spiritual beings created with a purpose and a soul that survives beyond the lifespan of the physical body, but mere random accidents with nothing to hold onto apart from these mortal bodies. As a result our culture is deeply insecure, fearful of death, shortsighted, selfish and vulnerable to manipulation by fear.

Willingness to suffer or risk death for the sake of moral principle does not fit in this “live for the moment” self absorbed worldview. Our culture is willing to trade vital principles including freedom for a promise of safety.

It is all insanity. The actor offering false safety is the same one creating the threat.

Two of our government agencies, the FBI and the DOE have agreed with the general consensus that in spite of Fauci’s denials the Covid virus originated in the US sponsored Wuhan lab.

The gain of function work began in the USA but was outlawed having been deemed too dangerous.

So it was moved from Chapel Hill in the USA to the Wuhan lab outside the reach of US law.

While ample evidence points to the release being intentional this is not being investigated. The lab records are sealed and gain of function work continues.

The implication here is utterly shocking. Is there a bigger global shock than the USA being the cause of this pandemic? The knowledge of this is widespread. It should completely disrupt American’s perception of the character of their nation. There should be global outrage on a scale never before seen.

But the limited news coverage is casual. Apparently this is also normal. But in reality this is as Huxley says, profoundly abnormal.

Meanwhile the same health authority that produced the threat has made global lockdown policy sold as protection at the cost of freedom. And has sold a vaccine claimed to be the cure. Funded by taxpayers. Sold for profit so astronomical as has never been seen even in the multibillion dollar pharmaceutical world. Massive profit with zero liability. Really who could resist?

The experimental vaccine is declared unequivocally to be safe and effective. The mantra is pervasive. The probability of death from Covid is magnified by up to fifty times. A Facebook fact-checker warned me that my post did not reflect the “fact” that Covid 19 was more deadly than the 1918 flu. Here is the actual mortality comparison from the time in 2021:

It is fear porn. The vaccine had initial benefit that waned quickly but no lasting protection against infection or transmission are realized and the promised end to the pandemic is forgotten as it goes on and on and on.

This failure is turned into opportunity. Each new variant is used to amp up the fear and sell another experimental vaccine.

Strong signals of serious side effects and deaths are swept aside. Studies utilizing autopsy proving deaths due to vaccine induced myocarditis are ignored. Victims are dismissed uncompensated.

All evidence pointing to effective treatments other than high profit offerings from Big Pharma and their partnering health agencies is censored. Doctors offering them are threatened with loss of licensure.

In Canada doctors are required to sign letters of confession of wrongdoing, submit to communist style “reeducation” and grovel at the feet of their inquisitors for the offense of having prescribed medication they believed could help Covid patients or for expressing any opinion different from the government approved narrative. The once sacred principle of doctor patient autonomy has been completely nullified. Doctors are now drones doing the bidding of corrupt health authorities. Any who step out of line risk their careers.

This is the new normal for a once noble profession.

Masking was initially not advised. Then when the potential for use as an identifier of virtuous compliance with the safety plan was realized and the opportunity to punish noncompliance, it was aggressively mandated.

The Cochrane review providing gold standard evidence confirming what was known from the beginning, that masking is useless, does not even need to be refuted, it is simply ignored. Here is Fauci doing just that:

His argument is that large studies may not show it but we know that masks work on individuals. What? Should I even bother to say that strength of evidence comes with higher numbers in larger studies?

Here we see the policy has nothing to do with evidence:

Early on when people were very resistant to masking I wrote about how the policy violates fundamental principles. The response was heated.

Masks (and Lockdown) – Arlie Esau MD

High quality analysis of the global lockdown showed what was also already known, that it would be ineffective and cause massive health and economic harms. The evidence that it happened as expected, was also ignored.

What global lockdown did achieve is the greatest transfer of wealth and power and freedom from small businesses and free citizens to giant global mega corporations and politicians in human history.

This for certain is now normal.

Virology 101

Everything about how the pandemic was managed violated what was well known in the field of virology.

Established pandemic policy was not to quarantine healthy people. Not out of concern for freedom but because it is ineffective. This had never been done. There was absolutely no supporting science to support doing it. In fact it was a policy started in China, an outrageous act by communist tyrants who literally locked people inside their homes.

Natural immunity is well known to be the only way a pandemic will be ended. Numerous highly regarded virologists made this clear and were ridiculed and castigated in the media. They have been soundly proven correct yet this is still not acknowledged. No apologies are forthcoming. Only more vaccine propaganda.

Respected virologists also cautioned that introducing a vaccine during a pandemic may have negative effects by inducing mutations that prolong the pandemic and potentially impairing the development of natural immunity.

Here is my article about prolonging the pandemic:

What has happened with the appearance of new variants was entirely predictable from the start. This is especially well known in the pig industry where coronavirus outbreaks are a frequent costly problem that wipe out entire herds. Attempts have been made to make a vaccine for years with no success because of how rapidly the coronavirus mutates.

In this article I explain how it is likely that the vaccinated population is where the new mutants appeared:

The campaign to shame the unvaccinated is itself utterly shameful.

A large study done by the Cleveland clinic illustrates how badly the vaccine program failed, and what has become of the peer review process. The graph below appeared in the first printing of the study. It shows clearly how an increasing number of vaccinations created a higher risk of infection with Covid. The way the data stratified out makes it unmistakable.

Im glad i took a screenshot of it Because the current version of the study does not include this graph. There was such an outcry by reviewers it was removed. Not because it was proven wrong. But because it was damaging to the promotion of vaccination. It was simply asserted that the graph did not mean what it appears to mean. So it went away. This is scientism.

The manner in which such an unscientific pandemic response was coordinated globally and the tyrannical manner of the response, the use of shaming, lies about the magnitude of the threat, lies about vaccine safety and effectiveness, propaganda tactics, total disregard for informed consent, are not remotely characteristic of health authorities trying to help. These are the hallmarks of a political operation made possible by technology linking global authorities like never before. Globalization has happened.

This is discussed in my first article describing my quest to understand what on earth was going on:

The history of vaccine development is littered with deadly outcomes. Here is a warning regarding Trump’s warp speed vaccine program from a source that now fully endorses even more hasty vaccine development by the Biden administration. It is ironic, funny, sinister, and a clear demonstration of how political agenda drives the reporting. The message was legit. The need for this caution is in fact right now. But you won’t see it:

Past vaccine disasters show why rushing a Covid-19 vaccine now would be ‘colossally stupid’ | CNN

Here is an example we did not learn about in med school. I could fill a page with similar stories:

Tainted Cutter polio vaccine killed and paralyzed children in 1955 – The Washington Post

The stringent safety protocols that require years of monitoring are in place for very good reason. Those protocols apply to standard vaccine types that have been studied for years. The new mRNA vaccines come with far less research and a mechanism that has significant potential for harm, that will only be understood years down the road.

The warp speed deployment bypassing safety protocols and ignoring informed consent was a radical departure in the development of the first vaccine. To continue at warp speed when the threat is minimal is an outrage that can only be attributed to cold sinister disregard for life and nefarious motives. I discuss this threat in this article:

Perhaps the most damning, in your face evidence of a cold political agenda is the campaign to vaccinate our children who have a known significant risk of myocarditis and statistically zero risk from Covid even when Covid risk was highest before everyone acquired natural immunity.

Here is my article on that outrage:

Update 11/16/23:

JERUSALEM, Israel (LifeSiteNews) – An Israeli boy featured in a video used to push COVID vaccines on children in a nationwide campaign died tragically from a sudden heart attack in late September. The boy was only 8 years old.

According to reports, Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, grandson of a distinguished physician in Beit El, Dr. Mati Erlichman, “died unexpectedly of cardiac arrest while taking a bath.”

The new normal is literally heartbreaking. How does one put into words the painful irony? It is eerily reminiscent of the tragedy that resulted when a US physician (a former Nazi) promoted the polio vaccine he had helped develop by vaccinating his grandchildren as a promotion only to see one die and another be paralyzed as a result.

The latest vaccine for 2023 was again developed at warp speed. No human testing was done. The emergency use authorization previously utilized has long since expired. The emergency is long since over. Nobody is in the hospital due to Covid. Essentially everyone including those who have had all the boosters has been infected and obtained real immunity, natural immunity, the kind where your body learns to recognize the entire virus, not just the rapidly mutating spike protein. Covid is now another common cold.

The actual threat is over. But the fear porn goes on. No emergency use authorization is now deemed necessary. The health authorities have free reign (spelling intended).

It is common for the unvaccinated to be denied life saving treatment in hospitals. The sentiment that they deserve to die is common in the medical community and the population in general. If this is true, and it is, how far are we from the mindset in Nazi Germany?

Here is an example of the intense propaganda. As you watch consider the fact that the vaccine failed to end the pandemic. What they are saying is 100% false.

And the more extreme:

This is the new normal.

But what is new is really old. There is nothing new under the sun. Human nature has not changed since Cain slew Abel. It just shows itself with new flavors.

The flavor of the day is tyranny by health authorities partnered with Big Pharma and wealthy globalist mega corporations.

But even this is a rehash. It is round two of the strategy employed by Nazi Germany. Just how far did such a noble profession as medicine fall? Eugenics was first deployed in the medical profession in Germany. Doctors in opposition were cast out of the profession or sent to death camps. The death camps were set up as hospitals where doctors did all the “medical killing”.

Lifton’s book should be required reading in schools.

Medical killing and gruesome experimentation became normal for the medical profession as a whole.

Doctors became the useful idiots used to carry out mass murder in order to advance a globalist agenda. It was very profitable for the pharmaceutical company Degussa making the Zyclon B used in the gas chambers.

Does this seem familiar? There is nothing new under the sun.

I cannot leave out of this discussion how the barbaric killing of babies in the womb is carried out. The most common way is to reach inside, grab a limb and rip it off. Then keep grabbing and ripping. It is reminiscent of medieval torture. Those medieval people with their torture chambers were truly barbaric weren’t they?

Another method is to punch a hole in the skull of the living child with scissors to allow the brain to be sucked out as the head is crushed making delivery more comfortable for the mother.

Another method is to inject strong salt water which the baby breathes in, burning its lungs as it dies a slow agonizing death. In comparison the suffocation from Zyclon B was relatively quick.

It is considered a woman’s right to kill in this way.

This is considered normal.

I believe the reason for all this wicked twisting of normal is spiritual. Those who understand that the physical world is temporary, that the spiritual realm is eternal and we are spiritual in nature, created by a God who loves us and died to secure a place for us with Him for eternity have reason to resist the fear tactics.

That said, many in this category are accepting the government narrative. So we have radically opposing perspectives regarding what is normal. I believe this is an intended effect, part of a plan to divide and conquer.

It has been difficult for me to process how good people, people I admire respect and trust can buy into such a toxic agenda. My search to understand led me to the tragic story of Fredrick Nietzche and his toxic ideas that have had such unfortunate influence. Here is more on that:

In a world where corruption obscures facts there is no way to provide evidence that will be accepted by people on opposing sides of issues. This becomes a debate over sources that cannot be resolved.

My response is to refrain from hatred and try to show respect. We should be able to agree to disagree.

In fact my point in writing is not to convince anyone but to reflect. There are some who are questioning their own sanity because they see what i see and find themselves in a minority. The truth is our numbers are not small but our voice has been limited.

Read the words by Aldous Huxley again. I hope it is an encouragement to know it is good to not be part of normal.

Be encouraged by this victory:

Being a doctor puts me in a particularly hated group. This doctor explains it well.

Fortunately in North Idaho, while I am an outsider in the medical community, the vast majority of my patients share and appreciate my position.

I conclude with a reminder that those who are deceived are not the enemy but are captives of the enemy. The real war is a battle for the destiny of our souls. Have compassion. Pray for all to know the truth that can save us.

PS some good things happening in Florida.

The Danger of Vaccinating Children

We have politicians making the decision to vaccinate children. The mandate was announced weeks ago in California, long before a CDC approval. Parents have good reason to be concerned when politicians are in charge of their children’s health.

Parents have good reason to be concerned when politicians are in charge of their children’s health.

Not only are politicians unfit to make health decisions, the CDC is also unfit. Numerous articles have appeared even in liberal publications describing how the CDC with its willy nilly decisions and cherry picked “science” has lost credibility. Take for example their recent decision to begin booster shots. The panel of experts tasked with making the decision advised against initiating the shots. The CDC went forward anyway. Three members of the panel resigned indicating their loss of confidence in the leadership of the CDC. So now what kind of expert panel are we left with?.

Vaccination of children is a violation of the bedrock “first do no harm” principle that until this pandemic has guided the actions of physicians. The benefits of a proposed treatment must be clearly shown to outweigh any potential downsides. And another bedrock principle states that this calculation of risk vs benefit must be clearly explained by what is referred to as “informed consent”. Notice the word consent. Any coercion or manipulation is unethical. People must be free to choose. This is outlined in the Nuremberg code written to prevent any repeat of medical atrocities by the Nazis.

Vaccination of children is a very violation of the bedrock “first do no harm” principle

Children in the 5 to 15 age group have a Covid mortality risk in the range of about two per million. Half of the deaths have occured in those with serious underlying conditions, so for a healthy child, one in a million. In other words next to zero. In order to say we are following the risk vs benefit calculation and the principle of “first do no harm” the potential for vaccine injury must be zero. It is clearly not zero.

Children in the 5 to 15 age group have a Covid mortality risk in the range of about two per million.

The truth is we do not have good data on the incidence of side effects in adults because they are being intentionally disregarded. Those who want to have that conversation are censored and threatened with discipline. Common sense says the risk of serious side effects for children is a long way north of two per million.

Common sense says the risk of serious side effects for children is a long way north of two per million.

The most obvious example of “not zero” is myocarditis. This condition is most common in young males but can affect any child, or adult for that matter. It is an immune mediated condition, the result of the immune reaction to the vaccine being directed against the person’s own body.

This is the same as what can happen when a person is infected with Covid.

When it is caused by the vaccine your body is reacting to the spike protein which is the most reaction inducing part of the virus. The same conditions caused by the virus can be caused by the vaccine. A myriad of similar serious immune reactions to the vaccine have been documented in adults.

These reactions to the vaccine are much more common in those who have already had Covid. Because they are already sensitized. The immune system can have an out of control response. A large number of children have already had Covid. Far more than we know because they generally have minimal symptoms or none at all. Children share viral illness like candy. Not only do they already have far better immunity than the vaccine can offer, their immunity puts them at risk for serious vaccine adverse effects.

Not only do they already have far better immunity than the vaccine can offer, their immunity puts them at risk for serious vaccine adverse effects.

As you view the CDC data below, consider how many cases will happen when mass vaccination is underway. This condition can be fatal and can permanently damage the heart. The pharma companies are not liable. Victims are not likely to be given any special assistance or compensation.

The CDC continues to deny that any of the 15,000 deaths of adults recorded in the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database are true cause and effect. A long list of other serious adverse effects is essentially being ignored as well. This has been described as malfeasance. This implies intentional disregard for life. In my view that is not a strong enough term.

A long list of other serious adverse effects is essentially being ignored

An individual with a story is considered anecdotal evidence. While this is considered to be a weak form of evidence I think it fitting to insert the story of a young woman whose story shows strong evidence of cause and effect. The story is necessary to describe how adverse effects are being handled. Also important to note is that there is a large group of people with similar stories. Heartbreaking as it is, I encourage you to watch the whole thing.

Before vaccinating their children, I want parents to see this and consider carefully if it makes sense to put the lives of their children in the hands of those who treat people in this most despicable way.

There are deeper concerns about the wisdom of vaccinating children. We have strong evidence that natural immunity is far more effective than vaccination. In a study done on millions in Israel, it was found that natural immunity provided 27 times better protection from serious illness than vaccination. If we vaccinate children we deprive them of the opportunity to form this stronger natural immunity.

we deprive them of the opportunity to form this stronger natural immunity

We also know that vaccine immunity fades quite quickly. This is the reason for booster shots after only six months. We don’t know how long natural immunity will last but it is reasonable to think it could be many years. Vaccine immunity is very narrow, directed only toward the spike protein. Natural immunity is the result of exposure to the entire living virus. No surprise that it would be far more robust.

We also have a cautionary tale from the 1918 pandemic. That influenza caused hundreds of times the years of life lost compared to covid. Because it killed young people in their late teens to early twenties. The best explanation for this is that the older generations had natural immunity from having previously been exposed to a similar strain. It is very possible that vaccination will deprive our children of the opportunity to obtain lasting strong natural immunity that could protect them from a future similar and potentially more deadly pandemic. It is an opportunity that comes at almost zero risk.

strong natural immunity could protect them from a future similar and potentially more deadly pandemic

Let’s not forget that this is an experimental totally new technology. Many highly qualified physicians, virologists, and other scientists have expressed grave concern over current and future side effects. How do we brush these concerns aside and proceed with mass experimentation on our children?

The current cadre of politicians are on record with the belief that they have greater authority over the lives of our children than parents. And they are asserting their belief that they also have authority over the lives of adults and what medical treatments we should be subjected to. That is the Marxist way.

We do not put our children in harm’s way for the good of the commune.

The argument will be presented that we must do this to our children for the good of all. A contribution toward the end of the pandemic. For that is the Marxist way. That this is likely to fail is not the point. I hope others will join me in repudiating this thinking. Good parents are willing to lay down their lives for their children. We do not put our children in harm’s way for the good of the commune.


This article is periodically updated and edited. I update as information or ideas come along. Some of the edits were to diminish a critical tone contained in the original version. This was a response to valued feedback from friends. Some disagree with my views.

We are still friends.

Vaccine War Zone

Is This the Hill to Die On?

Arlie Esau MD ABFM October 12, 2021

The Delta surge has North Idaho in the middle of a major political war. The local hospital is full of covid patients and having to defer elective surgeries because of limited ICU capacity. There are people dying from Covid, and people harmed by delayed care. Over 90% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated. Yet Idaho continues to have a low rate of vaccination. A common sentiment is that the unvaccinated deserve to die. They are blamed for the surge, the suffering, and the death.

A common sentiment is that the unvaccinated deserve to die.

That over 90% of the hospitalized are unvaccinated is evidence that the vaccine is effective. We know the vaccinated can still get Covid and transmit it but they are much less likely to get seriously ill. This may be changing. Other areas look different with much higher numbers of the vaccinated in hospitals, but this is the situation locally now.

(October 2022: A year later and indeed the situation has changed. The initial effectiveness of the vaccine has been lost. Vaccination neither prevents infection nor transmission. The claim that it reduces mortality is very much in doubt. What is not in doubt is that natural immunity is far superior and the driving factor in the reduction of the pandemic. The concern raised in my article “The Vaccine May Be Prolonging The Pandemic” remains valid but among a long list of taboo topics.)

There are two major reasons so many choose not to be vaccinated. First is concern about vaccine safety. We are dealing with new mRNA technology. And there is a VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Effect Reporting System) database showing large numbers of serious side effects and deaths.

The FDA granted approval to a version of the Pfizer vaccine, however this is considered by many to be an illegitimate political decision intended to justify mandates, since it is impossible to know the long-term side effect potential at this early stage, and the VAERS data have not been accounted for.

There has been no attempt to explain the VAERS data. And the more controlled reporting system that should have been put in place to evaluate the new technology does not exist.

The position taken by the CDC, that none of the death reports reflect true cause and effect is confirmation of their refusal to be honest. The traditional interpretation of VAERS data is that about one percent of side effects are reported. Considering the strong bias against reporting that percentage is likely much smaller this time around. One must consider that the VAERS cases are being ignored because if properly addressed the vaccine program may have to be terminated.

One must consider that the VAERS cases are being ignored because if properly addressed the vaccine program may have to be terminated.

Myocarditis has reluctantly been acknowledged as a side effect. When this was coming to light, scientists and physicians in some areas were castigated and had their careers threatened for suggesting the possibility. There is strong inhibition to discussing and reporting vaccine side effects. We have a shocking loss of healthy discussion, transparency and disclosure. The medical establishment has put itself in a position of deserving not to be trusted.

The medical establishment has put itself in a position of deserving not to be trusted.

This is an unprecedented situation. Even liberal publications have published articles about how the CDC has completely lost credibility. Starting with The Great Barrington Declaration, numerous declarations have appeared and organizations formed in opposition to public health policy. Many thousands of physicians and scientists around the world have sounded the alarm. The alarm is about medical totalitarianism.

So why are all physicians not joining ranks? Firstly it is understandable that many cannot fathom the corruption of the health authorities that we have always relied upon, and have generally been reliable. I believe conditioning plays a role. We spend many years in a higher education system that is saturated with leftist ideology. Then in practice we are conditioned to accept mandates from the insurance companies and government who control our pay. Mandatory electronic medical records introduced by the Obama administration allowed the insurers to build mandate after endless mandate into the system in a way that requires every mandate to be met and documented or pay withheld.

We were encouraged in the early stages of our training to be independent thinkers, to make decisions in collaboration with our patients, leaving outside influences out of the process to the best of our ability. Autonomy has been a bedrock principle undergirding the role of physicians as independent professionals serving their patients. Not insurance companies or government.

But this concept has been eroded for decades by the intrusion of those who control the money. How we care for patients is largely dictated by mandates. Physicians have been transformed from autonomous professionals serving patients, to surrogates doing the bidding of their money masters. To a modern physician, mandates are a part of daily life. So, another one applied to vaccination is almost routine.

Physicians have been transformed from autonomous professionals serving patients, to surrogates doing the bidding of their money masters.

There are about 16,000 reports of death (as of October 2022 this number is over 30,000) after vaccination reported in the VAERS database, many within 48 hours, and far more reports of severe side effects, particularly clot related events like stroke, heart attack and serious autoimmune events. Over eighty percent of these reports are from medical professionals. The form takes about thirty minutes to complete, not something that busy professionals would do without some conviction about cause and effect.

Historically it is estimated that only about one percent of events get reported. Applying this math results in a range of very large numbers. Past vaccines were halted when death numbers were in the fifty range. This calculation easily takes us into the tens of thousands and higher. Some statisticians have speculated over a hundred and fifty thousand deaths.

That may sound extreme. Surely this would be noticed. But what makes it possible is that heart attack and stroke are so common it would take a large increase in the incidence to be noticed. OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Association) has suspended the requirement to report any vaccine adverse events that occur in the workplace. This is evidence of a general policy to suppress such information.

Support groups for those suffering vaccine side effects on social media have been shut down. So, groups have formed on other platforms. A video documentary has been made about vaccine side effects and deaths in Israel, the nation with the highest vaccination rate in the world. Sadly, participants expressed fear of retribution. These cases are dismissed by the medical establishment. No official recognition or compensation is offered.

It is uncomfortable for physicians to think about this. I am certain most physicians prefer not to, and not necessarily because of any leftist bias. It is because doing so can put you in the crosshairs. Any consideration of the vaccine being dangerous results in immediate negative labeling, with loss of credibility and reputation. Articles have documented harassment and threat of physical violence. Changes to how we advise our patients are also difficult and time consuming. It is much easier to just go along to get along.

Any consideration of the vaccine being dangerous results in immediate negative labeling, with loss of credibility and reputation.

I said acceptance of vaccine mandates is almost routine for physicians. I used the word almost, because I’m not willing to let us off the hook so easily. We still have the responsibility to apply independent thinking on behalf of our patients. This vaccine is radical new technology that has been deployed in great haste without the time for observation and collection of data that has always been given even to the older tried and true vaccine technology.

This technology feeds synthetic RNA data directly into the bio-machinery of our cells, the inner sanctum of life itself. Nobody has ever seen one of the biological machines that control and process our DNA and RNA. We are toying with these intracellular machines while we are yet far from fully understanding how they operate. We know RNA is naturally deactivated after its message is received. Apparently, code was added to the vaccine RNA to inhibit deactivation. Already there are unexpected results. The process was supposed to happen locally at the injection site. But the manufactured spike proteins appear everywhere in the body and are causing immune responses that can be dangerous. Like myocarditis, and an array of similar autoimmune conditions. We know autoimmunity can activate clotting, and result in heart attacks, strokes etc.

We are toying with these intracellular machines while we are yet far from fully understanding how they operate.

The principle which says “first do no harm” should cause us to be looking at this with great caution. And the intolerance for normal debate and scientific inquiry should intensify this caution with an eye to discover why such careless disregard and censorship exist.

Why is there no robust monitoring for side effects beyond the crude VAERS tool? Why are we not seeing diligent investigation, autopsies, and transparent reporting on the VAERS data? Why are we proceeding with boosters when the advisory panel of experts whose job it is to guide such decisions recommended against it? Why are we not recognizing natural immunity when the evidence is clear that it is superior to vaccination? Why are we vaccinating children when their risk from the virus is so low? When did it become acceptable to make a blanket statement of safety with total disregard for any informed consent conversation whatsoever? This by itself is bizarre. The principle of informed consent is a bedrock human rights principle that has been aggressively enforced in health care. Until this pandemic. Now it has been completely swept aside.

Why are we not seeing diligent investigation, autopsies, and transparent reporting on the VAERS data?

Deadly autoimmune responses have been the reason for many vaccines using the old technology to be canceled, sometimes only after use in the population. The current situation suggests that the VAERS data are being ignored to avoid cancellation of the vaccine program. The MO is if you ignore it, it does not exist. There are numerous highly credentialed physicians and scientists who hold this opinion as to why the VAERS data are being ignored. Dr Peter McCullough is one of the best examples. His academic and research credentials are unassailable. Many bold highly qualified professionals have put their careers on the line in an effort to stop the steamroller.

The MO is if you ignore it, it does not exist.

The health authorities refuse to consider policy change or even to have conversation. They push a narrative, and seek to limit freedom of speech and freedom of thought. Any challenge to the dogma of the health authorities is met with censorship and threat of discipline. Healthy debate is no longer tolerated. There is only incessant harassment to be vaccinated. And demonization of those who resist.

Physicians have always of necessity been reliant on government health authorities for guidelines. As an individual physician I cannot interpret the VAERS data. These are raw data in a maelstrom of political influences that require careful analysis and investigation by the best seasoned, unbiased statisticians. Who work for the government. This is not happening.

What a sad and shocking situation. The authorities we depend upon have been corrupted. Thankfully, there are many well qualified physicians who have assumed leadership. And although I believe we are a minority, as I noted there are many thousands of physicians here and around the world who share this perspective. Our numbers continue to grow and new organizations are popping up.

The authorities we depend upon have been corrupted.

People are well aware of everything I have described. These questions circulate in the community causing confusion, distrust, and speculation. The purveyors of conspiracy and quackery are having a hay day. I’ve lost count of how many I’ve had to debunk for patients. The responsibility for the spread of misinformation lies completely on the shoulders of the health authorities who have become a source of misinformation themselves. All appearances are that this is an intended outcome.

The responsibility for the spread of misinformation lies completely on the shoulders of the health authorities who have become a source of misinformation themselves.

Accountability is nonexistent. Policy reversals come with no explanation. After multiple assurances from health authorities and president Biden himself that freedom of choice would never be violated by a mandate, we have mandates. The strategy of our health authorities has been perfect, if their goal is to discourage vaccination, incite hatred, create chaos, emasculate the constitution, and perpetuate lockdown.

The strategy of our health authorities has been perfect, if their goal is to discourage vaccination, incite hatred, create chaos, emasculate the constitution, and perpetuate lockdown.

It is a fear campaign. From the beginning the threat was amplified by intentionally using mortality statistics (case fatality) that overstated the actual danger to an individual. When death numbers decline, only case numbers are reported. Positive news is rarely reported.

Think about how family members inform each other. We strive for a realistic understanding of danger. Danger from the virus, and danger from a new vaccine, with the goal of safety without excessive fear. What we have instead is incessant fear-mongering, and intense coercive pressure to take the vaccine. With a blanket statement that the vaccines are safe.

Resistance is a given. But to understand the resistance more fully we must look at a much bigger picture. I can only paint parts of it. I think it’s worth trying to see the larger backdrop.

The first medical intervention that defied informed consent was lockdown. It has turned into the greatest loss of freedom in the history of the nation, with devastating effects. Many have lost the businesses they depend on to live. The negative health effects and suffering are massive and impossible to tabulate. The constitution which defines us as a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world has been suspended.

The constitution which defines us as a beacon of freedom to the rest of the world has been suspended.

We were given the justifications for violation of freedom along with the mantra, “two weeks to flatten the curve”. Now we see the pattern. Give them an inch and they take a mile. Now there is no end in sight.

This is a health intervention so the principles of medicine apply. A foundational principle is “first do no harm”. Since lockdown on this scale has never been done, there should be great caution. But the pattern has been to ignore this principle. Any effort to raise a red flag has been censored.

At the beginning of the pandemic numerous qualified virologists stated that what we know of viral pandemics is that mitigation efforts including lockdown may at best slow the onset but should not be expected to reduce the total number of cases and deaths. There was consensus that a brief initial effort to avoid overwhelmed hospitals was warranted but nothing more.

It turned out that hospital ships brought in to take the overflow, and temporary hospitals, sat empty. Thank God. And yet lockdown continued. With no supporting science whatsoever. When it has never been done there can be no supporting science.

We now have scientific reporting on the success of this unprecedented high stakes experiment. A meta-analysis looking at multiple studies of the effects of lockdown was published in the Lancet, a respected medical journal. The conclusion was that lockdown efforts had zero effectiveness in reducing mortality from Covid. This study that should have been blockbuster front page headline news got no media attention whatsoever. None. Crickets.

The conclusion was that lockdown efforts had zero effectiveness in reducing mortality from Covid.

Imagine being one of those who has lost the business they poured their life energy into. Their means of providing food and shelter for their family gone. Their wealth gone. Only to learn that the speculative experiment that brought about this devastation accomplished exactly what Virology 101 said it would. Nothing but harm. No lives saved. Many of the victims believe their devastation was intended.

…the speculative experiment that brought about this devastation accomplished exactly what Virology 101 said it would. Nothing but harm.

The health authorities refuse to give an account to the millions who have suffered great hardship, and lost loved ones due to delayed care and suicides, because of this massive blunder. It is perhaps the greatest example of medical malpractice in the history of humanity. The lack of media reporting points to the powers driving the steamroller.

In fact, blunder and malpractice are not the right words. Dr McCullough calls it malfeasance. Malpractice implies neglect. Malfeasance implies evil intent.

Malpractice implies neglect. Malfeasance implies evil intent.

This is the backdrop. The bigger picture. There is much more. Thinking people know there are reasons for these actions. And they go looking. Those who look discover that there are powerful entities promoting lockdown to achieve a political agenda. It is not hard to find.

Consider this statement by a United Nations representative:

“In some ways, the 2030 Agenda was made for a challenge like Covid-19”.

And what is the 2030 Agenda? This official statement by Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Chairman of the Earth Summit sums it up well:

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?”

Demonstrating willingness for these power players to ignore science or use fake science to achieve their goals, we have this statement by Christine Stewart, former Canadian Minister of the Environment:

“No matter if the science of global warming is all phony, climate change provides the greatest opportunity to bring about justice and equality in the world”.

Climate change is not an unrelated issue. These power players see it as a tool to bring about “justice” which to them means the collapse of the industrialized nations.

From Timothy Wirth, President, UN Foundation:

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.”

The right thing clearly means collapse.

Justin Trudeau, friend of Fidel Castro and admirer of Chinese communism has described the pandemic as an opportunity for sweeping change. “Build back better” is the slogan shared with Biden.

“Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 agenda for sustainable development,” says Trudeau. “This is our chance to help your pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality, and climate change.”

Then we have the Green New Deal. This Democrat policy is also a recipe for devastation of the American economy. The Democrat party is closely aligned with the goals of the UN. That is a heavy statement considering the goal is the collapse of our economy.

To see this more clearly one need only look at the policy statements of the World Economic Forum, another large power player. The forum’s guest list includes many prominent government officials, and most of the world’s wealthy power brokers. They align closely with the UN agenda statements. The end goal is global Marxist government.

The WEF chairman Klaus Schwab, recently telegraphed intent when he put out a statement warning of a “comprehensive cyberattack” that will cause a catastrophic economic crisis that will make the pandemic a minor issue in comparison.

A slogan of the WEF states “You will own nothing, and you will like it.” Their goals are summarized in a documentary called “The Great Reset”. Idahoans know what it means

Another obvious indicator is the welcoming of the openly declared communist Bernie Sanders into the Democrat Party. Thinking people understand what this means. And that lockdown is the ultimate tool to achieve the Bernie agenda.

“You will own nothing, and you will like it.”

…lockdown is the ultimate tool to achieve the Bernie agenda.

With that darkening of the backdrop we move on. There is much more. It is not weeds. Seeing the backdrop is necessary.

Dr Fauci via the NIH has been funding dangerous virology research where? In communist China! The same lab that works for the Chinese military. In this lab they have created mice that are humanized with human lung tissue to create SARS type coronaviruses capable of infecting human lungs. Covid 19 kills by attacking the lungs.

Dr Fauci via the NIH has been funding dangerous virology research where? In communist China!

There is one reason to do it in China. It is because this gain of function research is so dangerous, it has been made illegal. Fauci vehemently insists it is not happening because an admission should mean jail time.

This brings up another huge problem. Leftist politicians have demonstrated over and over that they are above the law. The mechanisms that should hold politicians accountable clearly do not apply to them. Hillary violated national security laws with impunity. Lies about Russia collusion go unpunished. A laptop with evidence of corruption in the Biden family is handed to the FBI and no action is taken. The public are not deemed worthy of any explanation. Everyone knows legislation is about politicians being bought and sold in backroom deals. The ultimate example of corruption is all members of Congress and their staffers being exempted from vaccine mandates. Apparently it’s safe for us, not for them.

The ultimate example of corruption is all members of Congress and their staffers being exempted from vaccine mandates.

Consider this list of political entities aligned in support of the leftist agenda: DOJ, FBI, DHS, FDA, CDC, NIH, UN, WHO, WEF, CCP. DHS refers to the Department of Homeland Security which is on record having categorized fundamentalist Christian Americans as a greater terrorist threat than ISIS. These entities despise what typified the founders of the nation. We stand in the way of the steamroller seeking to tear down what the founders created. We are a roadblock to their godless globalist Marxist agenda. They cannot build back better without first tearing it down.

Then there is the money trail. The vaccine makers were given total immunity, removing any accountability for side effects. Perhaps fitting if this were a nonprofit venture. It is not. The deal allows them to sell to the world by mandate with zero liability. It is the biggest score in pharmaceutical history. The opportunity for collusion between law makers and big pharma looms large. This is a lucrative experiment that tinkers with the inner mechanisms of our cells, using radical new technology. It comes with a blanket statement of complete safety. There is no need for careful tracking and investigation of reported deaths and side effects. The politicians will see to it that we are safe.

The deal allows them to sell to the world by mandate with zero liability.

A common comment I hear from patients is “please don’t insult my intelligence.”

And what are we to make of the resistance to inexpensive safe treatments showing evidence of benefit treating the virus? A group led by Dr Pierre Kory, a well-credentialed ICU physician published a meta-analysis of studies showing positive results using ivermectin. The findings have been quickly dismissed by the medical establishment citing poor quality of the studies. So then why is there no large trial to determine if ivermectin is effective? Given the huge controversy, even if proven ineffective this would be a great public service.

why is there no large trial to determine if ivermectin is effective?

The standard approach to treatment of Covid has been to do nothing until the patient is so sick they need hospitalization. How can this be when there are early treatment protocols that have the potential to keep patients out of the hospital? The mindset has been vaccination or nothing.

Could it be because the emergency authorization of the vaccines is subject to there being no other effective treatment? Do these treatments threaten profits? Do they have potential to end lockdowns? The lack of a good explanation even fuels speculation of a depopulation agenda.

There is another salient point of clarification. The vaccine could be the cause of variants appearing with increasing resistance to the vaccine. It is entirely possible we have a surge caused by vaccination.

It is entirely possible we have a surge caused by vaccination.

Fauci has been proven to be lying. The research American citizens paid for is inaccessible. The records from the Wuhan lab are sealed. Until the records are made available the logical assumption should be that Covid 19 was created in that lab, and intentionally released. The onus is on the Chinese government and Fauci to release all the records of what was going on. We do not need to discuss motive for the CCP. And for the Democrat Party it has already been laid out. This rises to the level of crimes against humanity.

With that in mind, consider this statement by Fauci made in 2017:

“There is no doubt that Donald J Trump will be confronted with a pandemic before the end of his term.”

I have not heard an explanation for how he knew. Fauci has stated that a line from the gangster movie “The Godfather” has guided him in his career. “It’s not personal. It’s strictly business.” Seems fitting.

The media give Fauci a complete pass. Again, this highlights the power of the aligned forces driving the steamroller.

“It’s not personal. It’s strictly business.”

I know from conversation with patients that there are many who suspect that our own government created the Covid 19 pandemic as a tool to tear down the nation so they can “build it back better”. They know better means global communism.

These people are characterized as ignorant, uneducated, idiotic, not caring about their fellow man. That many thousands in their ranks are health care professionals does not matter. They are assumed to be idiots. It is a common sentiment even among physicians that they deserve to die.

Human nature makes it an easy thing to follow the herd and bask in the luxury of the denigration of another group of people. We have all been guilty of this at times. There is an ego boost that fuels this sinister fire. For this is the vile nature of humanity expressed throughout history. A history marked by the murder of millions. Communism, the religion of envy, has been the most effective death cult in accomplishing mass murder. Human nature has not changed in the least. If history teaches us anything it is that we do not learn from it.

It has become an easy thing to follow the herd and bask in the luxury of the denigration of another group of people.

The actual thought process underpinning vaccine resistance takes into account all the above and considers that the threat of totalitarianism far outweighs the danger of the virus. Compliance with vaccination is seen as a step toward consolidation of power, and further nullification of the constitution that is supposed to protect us. It is seen as a step toward fulfillment of the UN and WEC and Bernie agendas. It moves us toward godless Globalism.

…the threat of totalitarianism far outweighs the danger of the virus.

It moves us toward godless Globalism.

It is not a stretch to imagine the economic destruction of the United States, and secondary global chaos with resultant death on a scale that dwarfs what covid has done. In other words, the bubble of freedom, peace, and prosperity the American experiment has created is under threat. We may be headed back to the norm for human history and the norm for much of the world today. Tyranny and chaos, suffering, starvation, death, and mass murder.

There are some who see the unfolding debacle as the result of total incompetence. Most conservative Idahoans view it as intentional. A culmination of strategies including, socialist indoctrination in schools, climate change, LGBTQ, BLM, Antifa and Critical Race Theory. Strategies that demonize conservatives, particularly Christians, incite hatred, and create chaos. It is not considered coincidental that there was violent antifa chaos and a state of crisis prior to Hitler imposing his socialist agenda. The Jews were also wrongfully accused of spreading disease.

So, there is the bigger backdrop. It is big. Much more could be added. The point is the resistance to vaccination in North Idaho, and among conservatives in general must be considered with this as the bigger picture.

Vaccination has become the focus of a great political divide. Many are aware they may be passing up reduced risk from covid but are compelled to stand on principle in defense of freedom. Here we see the second major reason people decline vaccination. It is not the result of ignorance, but a noble exchange of safety for freedom. An exchange that seeks to preserve God-fearing ideology over godless ideology. An exchange that takes into consideration the fate of our children, grandchildren, and the nation.

It is not the result of ignorance, but a noble exchange of safety for freedom.

Conservatives are caught in a trap. They are driven to resist the Marxist agenda. They want protection but not at the cost of freedom. How can they accept a vaccine recommended by these government authorities, with all this as the backdrop? How is this browbeating to be interpreted other than abuse by communist elites? How are people with these concerns going to process the VAERS data and feel comfortable with the risk of dangerous side effects?

I have not seen patients dropping like flies after vaccination. But there is good reason to suspect that there are many thousands who have. Keep in mind the standard for cancellation of a vaccine program has been less than 100 deaths. So, while the data show that the vaccines have been effective in preventing severe disease and death, the risk of vaccination has not been quantified. The crude data we have say clearly there is significant risk. And the anecdotal reports, while not strong evidence alone, are a strong signal that is being ignored. Worse, they are suppressed.

…while the data show that the vaccines have been effective in preventing severe disease and death, the risk of vaccination has not been quantified.

I believe the vaccines have likely saved many more lives than they have killed. But this is not the standard that has always been applied. There has always been a very low tolerance for death caused by vaccines. One could make the argument with good intentions that potential termination of the vaccines based on this standard would be a mistake. That the standard should be changed to something like “far more lives saved than deaths caused.” To be legitimate this would require open discussion and debate. I’ve seen no hint of this line of reasoning in the literature. So, we are left to speculate. In the context of this backdrop dark intentions are the natural assumption.

With my patients all I can do is be up front with the uncertainties, help them understand what risk category they fit into, debunk the fear mongering, and let them choose for themselves which kind of risk they prefer. For there is no choice that comes without risk. In other words, I do what we used to do, practice informed consent. It is a dark world. Pick your poison.

there is no choice that comes without risk… Pick your poison.

With proper informed consent, that includes the conversation about the VAERS data, it is not irrational for any adult to be vaccinated. But those who prefer not to, stand on solid ground purely on a risk vs benefit basis but also on principle. But do they even need a reason? The Nuremberg Code enacted in 1947 in response to Hitler’s medical atrocities was intended to protect us from medical experimentation. According to this declaration to the world, the answer is a resounding no. And coercion is a violation of fundamental human rights. The requirement for exemptions is an abuse of human rights. Nobody should be required to give a reason.

…those who prefer not to stand on solid ground purely on a risk vs benefit basis but also on principle.

Nobody should be required to give a reason.

I believe we would have a much higher rate of vaccination if there were no coercion, no fear mongering, along with diligent investigation and transparent reporting of vaccine side effects. Presuming it could be demonstrated that the risk of side effects is much lower than the risk from the virus. By health authorities conducting themselves in a way that inspires trust. With no connection to a build back better agenda. No lockdown. That opportunity has now passed.

The question really becomes, is this a hill worth dying on? On the one hand, the political stakes are very high. And for the average person a risk of one to three per thousand from covid is not excessive. On the other hand, although the side effect risk is intentionally unquantified, the vaccine is not inherently evil. Especially for those at higher risk from the virus, it may make sense to improve your odds against it and your chances to live on to fight the good fight.

Ronald Reagan famously said

“Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction”.

Many see now like never before the wisdom of his words.

Unlikely as it it, I hope there are some who this helps to understand opposition to vaccination better.

The more realistic goal and my prayer is that this will serve as moral support, a framework for navigating the difficult vaccination choice, and clearer vision of the big picture.

A final word of encouragement to people of faith. God is with us. He established this nation. It will not fall before His ordained time. He will guide us and everything will work out according to His perfect plan. There is nothing to fear but fear itself.


This article is periodically updated and edited. I update as information or ideas come along. Some of the edits were to diminish a critical tone contained in the original version. This was a response to valued feedback from friends. Some disagree with my views.

We are still friends.

Back Yard Sci-Fi Insect Warfare

by Dr Arlie Esau (this one is just for fun)

This story begins with me innocently bringing in some hydrangea flowers prior to our guests, the Potter family arriving. What the flowers taught us is too fascinating not to share. Perhaps I can inspire a career in the fascinating worlds of entomology or botany.

As Melanie was taking in the lovely perfume that the flowers were giving off, she noticed other creatures had also been attracted. Embedded in the flower clusters there were bald faced hornets and other strange bugs. Fortunately but curiously the hornets appeared to be dead. Regardless my arrangement got banished to the patio.

Mel had noticed a lot of dead hornets on this particular plant, so I got curious.

When the Potters arrived, the conversation went to the flowers and the hornets. Sean shared my curiosity, found a bald faced hornet nest on the internet and went looking. Sure enough he found the nest about 20 feet up in the large pine tree next to the hydrangea bush. You can see the hydrangea in the photo.

These are iPhone photos of the dead hornets you can see on the table.

Amazing how the iPhone can open up the microscopic world.

Bald Faced Hornet

Young Declin noticed that the stinger is still active when they appear to be dead.

A sting from one of them resulted in a trip to the ER with my daughter Nicole, going through all the red lights with epinephrine injected en route a few years back. So it goes without saying they are not welcome guests in the yard.

We theorized that the hydrangea must be making a toxin killing the hornets. But Ive never heard of such a thing so I decided to get a closer look at the strange tiny bugs.

Most of them have a mate going along for the ride.

Ambush Bug

A Google lens search identified them as ambush bugs. (Google lens capability is itself a freakish thing. It came up with a dozen photos and articles in less than a second using this photo). The one below is a Google image of a closely related species. Up close they look like the inspiration for freaky sci-fi space aliens.

It turns out these tiny bugs are giant killers. How they get their first shot in I don’t know but they inject a toxic venom like a spider, and later suck out the liquified innards.

You can see one injecting a hornet in the video below. It appears to be targeting the soft area where the wing articulates.

Amazing how little bugs can win the war against big bugs!Apparently these little giant killers that I now consider my friends are everywhere. How did I not know about them?

Now I have to decide if I am going to go after that nest or just let the ambush bugs do their work.

I really don’t want to earn a Darwin Award. What would you do?

Here’s a short article about the strange but fascinating ambush bug.

Ambush Bugs Impale Prey Insect Macro Photos


The Decline of a Once Noble Profession

Dr Arlie Esau MD family physician

Written a few years ago well before the pandemic, I’ve updated it in hopes it may shed some light upon how physicians have been found lacking in leadership during the pandemic.

In my exam room sat an elderly man that I had come to know well. He joked a little as always but then receded back into a flattened affect. His A1C test was now over ten indicating diabetes out of control. He was restless at night, up watching movies, eating chocolate. He knows full well from our past conversations the toll it will take but has given up.

He is a highly successful businessman but is now letting the business decline. Formerly athletic, highly competitive, disciplined, he has become sedentary and is gaining weight. The son he was grooming to take over his business married a woman who has turned the son against him, and conspired to steal the business that was intended to be a gift.

Teams of lawyers are involved and siphoning, feeding heavily. He has to restrain them to prevent them from crushing the son he still loves. The daughter in law has even threatened him physically in person. He is barred from any contact with his grandchildren. He is angry and brokenhearted.

We talk of adding medication but he is reluctant. After some reflection, a long silent pause, an inspiration comes and I ask him, “are you just going to lay down and let this woman take everything from you, or are you going to live so you can fight back?” I asked him what his other children and grandchildren would want him to do.

At his next visit three months later, his A1C was down to eight, he was exercising, losing weight, and had revived his business. I had tapped into the competitive drive that made him so successful in business.

A young woman was having headaches, general body aches, fatigue, insomnia and anxiety. Her marriage was in trouble. After some conversation, she melted down in tears and admitted to having recently had an affair. She is a Christian married to an unbeliever and now she is racked with guilt, expecting a divorce.

I spoke of king David and his guilty conscience literally making his bones ache. We agreed on a treatment plan that initially did not involve medication. She would restore her relationship with God by confession and repentance, then do the same with her husband, knowing a divorce may ensue.

A couple years later her husband, inspired by her example, became a Christian. Over ten years later, her marriage is intact and happy and she expresses heartfelt gratitude for the treatment plan that she says saved her marriage.

In a daydream born of great prolonged frustration, a man with a thin neck, pointed nose, and coke bottle horn-rimmed glasses has followed me into the exam room to see a patient. The interview proceeds. Hanging from the wall is a wineskin filled with fine aged wine. On a counter is a pitcher of cool clear water. The patient has abdominal complaints. A little wine is good for the stomach so I go to pour some. The man reaches out with a sharp pencil and pokes a hole in the wineskin, then points with his pencil, to the laptop on the counter. A red drop falls from the pencil, and he states, “you need to record the PHQ9 depression score”.

The patient says he is suspicious of computer records and has reported all zeroes. With a finger plugging the hole in the wineskin, I use my other hand to record the zero. Pencilneck places a few coins on the counter beside the laptop and slips something into the pitcher of water. I detect an unpleasant odor.

The dream goes on and the patient complains of thirst. With my left hand I pour some water into a glass and hand it to him. He takes a sip, a slight frown appears, and he sets it aside. Next I go to examine his abdomen. I release my finger from the wineskin and a red trickle extends down, forming a puddle on the floor.

At the completion of the visit I am followed by Pencilneck into my office. There I sit and enter codes for the visit into the computer. For each code a few coins are deposited next to the computer by Pencilneck. Meanwhile patients are waiting and I feel harried. I pause, having become aware of feeling oddly small. What? I seem to have fur. I hear Pencilneck speak. “Back to your wheel, hamster”.

At the end of the day as I work to complete the documentation for ten unfinished patient files, I discover that on one patient, the primary issue in need of attention has been missed. I see now my assistant made a note that after the last visit, a lab test was run, and found to be elevated. I had been so busy documenting everything required, there was no time to review the prior visit note and I had missed my assistant’s note in the clutter of forms. We will follow it up but I am disappointed in myself.

The dream goes on. In the doorway to my office stands Sir William Osler a heroic father figure for modern medicine. His mouth is agape. He sinks slowly into a chair and his shaking head falls into his hands. He looks at me and in his gaze are these unspoken words.

“The doctor patient relationship is sacred. The exam room is your temple. Yours is being violated. The wine is of greatest value, the result of all your training, experience and wisdom learned. Yours is being squandered. You are the source for cool clean water by way of sage advice for the thirsty patient. Yours is contaminated by excrement, the product of the exchange with Pencilneck.”

At a recent training meeting, required to be a participant in the insurance network, I was schooled on how to use diagnosis codes in onerous painstaking detail to make my patients appear as ill as possible. We are given a risk assessment score and encouraged to get it as high as possible to compete for dollars with the groups in the southern part of the state who are more advanced in the game and have higher risk scores on their patients.

Implied in all of this is the idea that a higher score equates to more patient care work done. This is worse than false, it is a total farce. Significant time and energy must be invested to learn and implement detailed coding. Time and energy are limited resources. If given to coding there is a large subtraction from real patient care. The impact is exponential as the sick game goes on.

What effect might this have on the care provided to the elderly man, and young woman? Understanding their needs requires time to hear their life stories. The sad truth is that this onerous preoccupation to achieve a higher score is mandatory to sustain earnings but without a doubt, reduces quality of care. So it is not only a moronic farce but a disgrace. Participation demeans us all.

The fundamental idea underlying this payment scheme is that physicians are incompetent, and Pencilneck can help us serve our patients better. The idea is disgusting and rooted in a big brother, communistic philosophy. Our valuable time and energy is consumed.

We are required to use EMR (electronic medical records) which dramatically increases errors while greatly reducing the quality of documentation. It’s design is intended to facilitate micromanagement by Pencilneck, The exam room has been violated. Physician autonomy, once a bedrock principle championed by the likes of Osler is a quaint relic of the past. It is a total capitulation. We have not been forced. These are all choices.

The negative impact on physicians is ominous and undeniable. Burnout is a pandemic in the profession. It is now being called “moral injury”. This is an apt description as indeed our morals have been compromised. We have relinquished autonomy in exchange for filthy lucre.

A once noble profession is in severe decline.

How could this happen? The answer is the same as for the question of how have the bedrock principles of first do not harm, and informed consent been so completely obliterated during the pandemic? I believe the root of this decline is the godless communist ideology pervasive in all higher education which rots the moral foundation that is sensitive to corruption.

This has allowed the creeping in of all manner of immoral agendas like abortion, gun control, BLM, LGBTQS etc. The AMA that is supposed to represent us is rabidly leftist. Their periodical usually has about 20 articles on various topics. A recent one had nearly every article promoting the LGBTQS agenda.

Big pharma itself suffers from the same defect and has become so big, so wealthy it can buy influence in government (regulatory capture) and in medical schools, and can buy research results. The industry has experienced a bonanza in the billions during the pandemic and has demonstrated its total disregard for adverse effects and death. They have complete immunity and unprecedented profits.

Of course Pencilneck is the insurance industry both private and government run, that has also hurt the profession badly by becoming increasingly authoritarian, dictating everything. They openly speak of patients belonging to them not the doctors. We are expected to carry out their agenda. Younger physicians and even many veteran physicians have accepted this hideous idea as normal.

Hospitals employ most doctors now and use nurses to manage them. Doctors answer to nurse managers.

It was not that bad when I moved to the United States but it has been a steady downhill slide. I despise what has happened. A minority of the docs I know feel exactly the same. The rest seem accepting.

Many of us would never have had anything to do with insurance of any kind had we foreseen this dystopia. We would have done direct care. No involvement with insurance. To transition this late in the game would be difficult and mean an end to relationships with most of our patients who now are like family.

So we bide our time and do the best we can. We work fewer days to combat burnout and plan for retirement. I pray for a great spiritual awakening to revive this once noble profession. And I do a bit of writing as therapy. Perhaps this piece helps others understand how it is that physicians have lost the capacity to lead with sound pandemic policy, and stand by while corrupt health authorities collude with big pharma to make mincemeat of our most sacred principles in order to milk the pandemic cash cow.

While the story is sad, for those who are not among the godless, and have faith in the gospel message, there is a peace about everything that passes all understanding.

The Pfizer Scandal – A Flyover

I think a little “flyover” can help give perspective on how incompetence, indoctrination and culture have decimated the health profession to the point where jaw dropping scandal is unimportant.

I hope many will read the article linked at the end about peer review. It’s a major reality check.

Here is Dr Robert Malone’s report on the recent Pfizer scandal.

Here is Pfizer’s recent public response.

Pfizer Responds to Research Claims | Pfizer

Pfizer denies doing gain of function etc, then admit to doing it by another name, then confirm it is an admission by stating that the government made them do it (false by their admission they are the only ones doing it) and claiming everyone is doing it making it ok.

I can tell you the majority of physicians simply accept Pfizer’s word play. How can well educated physicians buy such nonsense?

Well it’s been going on for decades. Our training is all by spoon feeding. Rote memorization of information fed by fire hose. Critical thinking would be a distraction. There’s no time for it.

There are courses taught on critical thinking. None were part my medical school curriculum.

We are given bare minimum training in statistics, a very complex subject that is the foundation of interpreting the medical studies we use to guide how we practice.

Essentially it is just conditioning to create acceptance of the heavily corrupted pharma sponsored garbage that appears in even the most respected medical journals. Heavy language. Keep reading.

If an acceptable “p value” (the holy grail of statistics) is reported it is believed. Even when obvious contradictions are present or the data quality is lacking.

In the end the vast majority of us routinely accept all the guidelines from the various health authorities and organizations producing them.

So here’s my thought on whether physician’s really interpret studies:

Wile my “skeptometer” has always been on the high side, the pandemic has raised my awareness dramatically. Many thousands of other physicians are having the same awakening.

The introduction of EMR (electronic medical records) has had a large negative impact on how we practice. It has resulted in physicians becoming hamsters scurrying to do the bidding of insurers including government. Document fulfillment of endless mandates or forfeit payment. A friend describes it as “mindless monkey work”. It is consuming. It is mind numbing. Don’t think just comply has become the culture.

We follow a cookbook of guidelines and never ending mandates. The patient now belongs to the insurance company who dictates the agenda.

Autonomy, once a bedrock principle is a foreign concept. A blank expression is all I get if asking younger physicians if it concerns them.

More on culture. Higher education has for decades been saturated with indoctrination. Secular humanism has become the universal godless religion. At its core is the idea that we are the result of a random accident whereby a living cell formed itself, came to life, and evolved. It’s a radical preposterous unscientific magical idea.

Here is an introduction to the religion most don’t even know is their religion.

Scientism: America’s State Religion – The American Mind

“The practitioners of scientific rationalism function like the priestly guardians of this revelation, delivering it to the rest of society and telling them how to interpret and apply it.”

Sound familiar? Dr Fauci is currently the preeminent priest.

Here is a good overview of how the medical profession has been decimated by scientism. It really pulls back the curtain. What’s behind it is ugly.

I have commented previously on a book titled “The Nazi Doctors”.

The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide

It documents how the medical establishment was recruited to carry out the holocaust via the same indoctrination process. Notice the “doc” in that word.

From the book:

“The Doctor… if not living in a moral situation… where limits are very clear… is very dangerous”

Auschwitz survivor

“He has the capacity to veer with every wind, or, stubbornly, to insert himself into some fantastically elaborated and irrational social institution only to perish with it. [For man is a] fickle, erratic, dangerous creature [whose] restless mind would try all paths, all horrors, all betrayals . .. believe all things and believe nothing . .. kill for shadowy ideas more ferociously than other creatures kill for food, then, in a generation or less, forget what bloody dream had so oppressed him.”

Loren Eiseley

Identity confusion is a product of this religion. Some may recognize how it is at the core of the Pfizer scandal.

I wrote about it’s dangers here:

Arlie Esau MD – everything under the sun

Here you see a man’s life coming apart at the seams before your eyes:

He is an actual MD. Notice this has become an untouchable topic in our culture. NOBODY including conservative reporters will touch the fact that he considered the interaction a “date” (his words). That he’s a homosexual. I’m sure O’Keef was “aware”. His lust was used against him.

It’s a snapshot of the bigger picture of the devastation of homosexuality. How defiance of God’s protective principles works out. It’s so pathetic I feel for him and all who are under this delusion.

Jeffrey Satinover does an excellent job describing how homosexuality has all the earmarks and devastating health effects of other addictions in his book:

Homosexuality and the Politics of Truth.

Malone points out how Dr Walker’s language makes him a juvenile vaccinologist at best.

It would seem he is a prototypical black homosexual token hire in a high position no less.

Pfizer stock is crashing. The Pfizer response does not mention Dr Walker. Nothing in the corporate spin strategy book for this. They may need to reevaluate their HR policies (insert sarcasm).

I don’t expect real consequences. The culture is too far gone. Even investors will forget quickly. But it will be popcorn worthy for a while.

I had not anticipated such a prime example of identity confusion interacting with the main theme and purpose of my writing, the pandemic, the ungodliness of it all, and our source of hope.

I leave you with this message from the end of the “Left Behind” movie From the book of Ephesians:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

PS: I highly recommend the movie

Nietzche’s Toxic Ideas

His ideas are our downfall

Dr Arlie Esau MD

“Could it be, that we are staring with, unseeing eyes into the very abyss that he had predicted?”

This is a phenomenal summary of the life and ideas of Friedrich Nietzsche. It portrays the incredible power of ideas and how ideas are shared to become a global collective culture.

Nietzche’s tragic experience seeing his father suffer and die, caused him to abandon faith in God. And then to devote his life to attacking and tearing down the Christian faith.

The decision to abandon faith was not the result of a logical examination of evidence. It was a judgment resulting from his interpretation that the suffering was unfair and immoral. Ironically logic makes it clear that if there is no god, there is no basis for such a moral judgement, or morality of any kind.

It is said that Nietzsche was likely influenced by the evolutionary theory of Darwin. I find it more plausible that both were under the influence of a culture that was moving away from faith in God.

Evolution as an explanation for the origin of life requires belief in the idea that a living cell appeared spontaneously, absent, any intelligent design. Given what we know about cellular biology, to say that this is not a satisfying explanation is far from an adequate description. The very idea is beyond preposterous. That this magical notion is today’s “scientific” dogma is the ultimate demonstration of just how illogical human thinking is and how “science” can become an expression of ideology. Darwin’s ideas were also the result of shifting cultural ideology, not the cause.

Logic sees intelligent design by a creator.

“The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

Romans 1:18-20 NIV

Nietzsche sought to find purpose and meaning in life through an anything but god ideology. He tried to find it in collective experiences including music, and pursuit of individual power. His intelligence and eloquence gave him an audience in a culture that was primed to hear his message.

He recognized that his message was dangerous. He knew that morality had to be based upon the existence of higher entities. Driven by his anger toward the God of Christianity he embraced Greek mythology. Again logic was obviously not the driver.

His fears came true when Adolph Hitler and the German nation built upon his collectivist and power ideology under leadership of the Nazi party. We all know of the resulting atrocities.

Nietzsche’s tragic life story provides great insight allowing better understanding of the Nazi debacle. Sadly, his toxic ideas did not die when Germany was defeated. The godless collectivism and personal power ideology espoused by Nietzsche and others is responsible for suffering and death unprecedented in human history with the murder tally estimated as high as 148 million. Ideas have consequences.

Like a metastatic cancer this ideology is alive and well and growing in America, and around the world, especially in the younger generation. The pandemic has revealed the advancement of this ideology globally as increasingly authoritarian governments have ignored and swept aside the Nuremberg principles and constitutions that protect our God given individual rights. Cultural changes tearing down moral standards are shocking.

The Nietzsche story is well worth viewing. The cinematography is really nice. More importantly, it helps us to understand our culture and root causes of frightening changes. It helps us to understand human nature. While the BBC does not arrive at any meaningful conclusions, there are surprising insights toward the end including the question of “staring into the abyss he predicted“. I must however state the obvious.

Rebellion is the root. Revival is the solution. Pray for a great awakening of faith in God.

Bit By the Bat Lady Bug

I want a refund

🧬 🐞 🧬🐞🧬 🐞 🧬 🐞 🧬

January 3, 2023

Today I tested positive for the Bat Lady bug. After many exposures I was wondering if I was one of the few with very robust natural immunity, or the beneficiary of immunity from an asymptotic Covid case as I have not been sick throughout the entire pandemic. No such luck. I guess this answers the question of what 2023 has in store!

I thought it was flu. Three days of fever, myalgias, very persistent headache, nasal obstruction with constant clear fluid drainage, sore throat, and heavy fatigue. I made friends with the couch.

What’s bizarre about the bat lady is how brazen she was about doing dangerous and illegal gain of function experiments teaching SARS viruses to attack humans. These people live in a different universe.

My wife Melanie has had the same progression of symptoms a few days ahead of me and is recovering nicely.

For the record, I had the initial Pfizer two dose vaccine in Dec 2019. I knew this was not what was keeping the lady bug at bay from all the data showing omicron is omnivorous with a preference for the vaccinated.

In retrospect while my motive was to protect my patients, I was naive. Early in 2020 I smelled a rat and opted out. I wrote “Vaccine War Zone” and subsequent articles to raise awareness.

Melanie is unvaccinated. Her symptoms were somewhat milder. My teenage granddaughter has had it with us but with even milder symptoms. Also unvaccinated. Not a good look for Pfizer. I believe a refund is in order.

Also of interest, while I am often the quickest to recover from viral illness I not only had the worst case (fortunately still mild) but am also the only one with a bit of a post covid syndrome. I have the taste of burnt rubber in my mouth. A disturbance common to this virus. Thank you Bat Lady. Did you teach your pet bug that too? It’s rather disgusting.

I feel fortunate that this is a milder derivation of the original lady bug. Some of the “gain of function” engineering that gave it the ability to attack human lung tissue (remember the mice with transplanted human lung tissue used as trainees?) has been lost in the natural entropic mutation process that diminishes the intelligence of its design. It did not get far into my lungs. The cough has been mild.

The Bat Lady Bug still packs a punch. But I’m much improved on day four. What strikes me is the knowledge that what I have in my body, giving me this misery, was engineered in the Wuhan lab. And contemplating how many it has killed. It’s a bit of a mind bender.

No I cannot say this with 100% certainty but the evidence is more than strong enough to warrant the presumption. It is a heavy presumption. I do not take lightly the ramifications regarding my credibility, integrity and reputation as a physician in making such a statement. Those who are dismissive have not had a serious look or are blind.

Being in the minority historically does not favor being wrong. Insanity in individuals is rare while in large groups it is the rule (Friedrick Nietzche). Matthias Desmet has gained global recognition for his description of this phenomenon which he labeled “mass formation”.

Here is a brilliant presentation that describes mind bending:

The establishment blew a gasket and spewed its fluids when Dr Robert Malone in an interview with Joe Rogan extended the term to “mass formation psychosis” and used it to provide a rational explanation for the irrational and unscientific pandemic policies that have immolated the most sacred principles not only of the health profession but the principles that form the foundations of human freedom.

Today’s patients will be rescheduled or seen by telehealth. Tomorrow’s colonoscopy will have to be rescheduled. Sadly we are four months out due to “pandemic backlog”. The Bat Lady and her cadre of co-conspirators continue to take their toll.

Will they be held accountable? Seems unlikely. There’s nothing quite like feeling the Wuhan bioweapon in my own body to drive home the new reality.

I believe this bioweapon technology is more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Stealth deployment makes it so. The collaboration between the USA and the CCP is hideous, strange and sinister in a way that defies description.

My ultimate revelation from my time on the couch? The USA is no longer a safe haven.

God is our only refuge.

The Danger of Identity Confusion

A Biblical Perspective (love not hate)

We live in a time of great confusion when it has become common for humans to “identify” as essentially anything but what they actually are.

Men identify as women and women as men. Whites identify as black. Adults identify as children. Humans identify as cats. Any who struggle with accepting the “transitioned identity” are severely chastised. Use of the wrong identifying pronoun is a serious offense.

Five university hospitals in the USA have specialized programs devoted to the use of hormones and surgery to transform children into the opposite sex.

It is apparent that humans are feeling great dissatisfaction with who and what they are to the point of being driven to undergo irreversible radical experimental transformations.

I think I know why. It stems from a flawed understanding of human nature. Secular psychology holds to a belief that the typical human is basically good. That our nature is morally upright and decent. But our conscience tells us otherwise. Hence the quest for something different, in order to feel better.

The Bible teaches the opposite, that we are wicked, selfish, inclined to do evil. So much so that our sins condemn us to eternity in hell. Indeed every one of us is in desperate need of a transformation. We really do need a new identity to take the place of our sinful nature.

The gospel of Jesus Christ offers us radical transformation and a completely new eternal identity in and with Him. For free. Just by believing in Him and his sacrifice, his death on the cross which is the price He paid for our forgiveness.

The Bible makes it clear that this new identity is real by declaring that all our sins, past present and future are removed from us. When He looks at us He chooses to see only our purified new identity. We don’t need to remind Him to use the correct pronoun.

It is as if we have been crucified with Him, died and been raised up as new creatures. To help us understand what has happened we are told to imagine ourselves in white gowns that have not a stain or a wrinkle. In His eyes we are perfect and beautiful. We are His cherished bride.

Deep inside each of us knows that we need transformation. We long for it desperately. We crave approval.

For many, today’s culture is shocking and seems impossible to understand. But is it such a surprise that a culture that has turned away from God and His offer of transformation, would seek to obtain it in any other way possible?

The mind games and hormones and disfiguring surgeries that are employed by this culture are more of Satan’s counterfeits of the real thing.

Oh how sad that parents inflict this upon their own children. They blindly ruin the lives of the children they love.

The health consequences are staggering and shine a spotlight on just how corrupt our health authorities have become. Studies document a a reduced lifespan of less than fifty years for gay men. That is a loss of over 20 years from the average lifespan!

Meanwhile physicians are guilty of malpractice if we fail to advocate for treatments that might extend a persons life by two or three years. It is also considered malpractice to perform elective surgeries with a serious complication rate over about 2%. Transgender surgical procedures carry a risk of serious complications of over 65%!

We have no idea yet what the longevity impact of transgender treatments and procedures might be. These treatments radically alter human biology, in addition to the catastrophic harms of the homosexual lifestyle on health.

The health authorities and media are actively censoring this information and aggressively promoting the LGBTQ lifestyle. It is hard to comprehend. Five major universities in the USA promoting and carrying out transgender surgical and medical treatment programs. Never before have I seen such appalling disregard for human life and health.

The consequences in this life are heavy. But the far greater tragedy is the ultimate purpose of the deception.

What purpose might that be? Identity confusion is a big part of the attack on our society I described in my first blog post “Vaccine War Zone”. We need crystal clarity in our understanding and His love to successfully navigate this confusion. Clarity comes with the understanding that Satan’s goal is to kill and destroy. The purpose is to keep people from seeing and receiving the radical transformation that comes with a new identity in Christ and a future with Him in heavenly bliss for all eternity.

Our role as Christians is to speak the truth boldly with clarity. But if we do so with condemnation we are nothing more than an annoying, clanging cymbal that will be silenced or cancelled rather than heeded.

There is no place for hatred towards those who are deceived by this culture. Nor for condemnation. For the ability to see is a gift that is deserved by none of us. Those with sight are called to love those who are still blind and pray for God to show them the mercy shown to us.

Followers of Christ should be known for love not condemnation. If we understand the darkness of our own hearts and the undeserved mercy granted to each of us there is no place for condemnation.

While we hope for positive changes in the world and resist the advancement of evil, particularly when inflicted upon innocent children, we are mindful that the destiny of this world involves annihilation followed by a new heaven and new earth. We are first and foremost seekers of souls. The battle is spiritual. Eternal destiny is what’s at stake.

PS: The latest addition to the identity acronym (now LGBTQIAS) is S for Satanism. See this for why it fits so well:

Masks (and Lockdown)

Dr Arlie Esau MD
family physician in Hayden Idaho

Preamble: This article generated a small storm of activity on Facebook in July of 2020. It is now April of 2022 and mask mandates are still not completely rescinded. And there is talk of bringing back more of them. Meanwhile multiple studies and two large peer reviewed meta-analyses have been published with evidence that as expected lockdown has not reduced death from covid and has caused immense harm.

The science on masking has Been solidified by a Cochrane review. A large study considered to be of the highest quality has concluded that masking has been of zero benefit. Below is Fauci’s response. His argument is that large studies may not show it but we know that masks work on individuals. What? This from the man who claims to be the science?Should I even bother to say that strength of evidence comes with higher numbers in larger studies?

The reply below demonstrates that the policy has nothing to do with science.

We have since had the radical imposition of experimental vaccine mandates. And the concern about lockdown and fiscal meltdown is getting real as we see spiraling inflation. The article is more relevant than ever.

The room erupted with angry shouting immediately when the health district voted to make mask wearing mandatory in Kootenai county on penalty of a thousand dollar fine and up to a year in jail. It is said that for every written communication to a politician, there are at least a thousand people who share the same concern. It is likely that for each person who shows up in person to voice a concern there are at least ten thousand who share their concern. Then there are those who don’t
understand the concern. At all. Many simply do not see it as a big deal. Many do see it as a big deal and strongly support the mandate. There is no shortage of hostility.

There are credible arguments for and against. There is science for and against. The issue will not be resolved by lobbing cherry-picked scientific data at each other. And let’s be honest, everyone cherry-picks. If you think all the data is on your side, well you’re just blind.

Edit: the Cochrane review has changed this. The data is quite clear. The prior broad consensus regarding masks has been confirmed. Any masking advocacy going forward is politically motivated, not based on science.

I want to examine what I believe many who feel strongly that the mandate is wrong likely feel but can’t express fully. Firstly, those who are opposed are not lacking concern for the vulnerable. That is a false argument, an easy way to dismiss and demean someone you disagree with without considering their point of view.

The mask mandate is representative of how the pandemic is being handled by our government. The question of how the pandemic is handled is anything but a small issue. The impact of government policy has been nothing short of staggering. Notice I said the impact of government policy, not Covid 19.

Covid 19 is a healthcare issue. Before I go further, I want to introduce two of the oldest guiding principles that guide doctors helping patients in making health care decisions. This is the first principle:

“First Do No Harm”

Its foundation is based on solid reasoning. Inherent in the principle is this caution that unless you have solid reason to believe that an intervention has a much higher probability of benefit than harm, you should not intervene. A bad outcome where there has been intervention is the responsibility of the doctor. A bad outcome where there is no intervention, in accordance with this principle is a matter between the patient, nature and God.

Here is the second principle:

“Informed consent is based on the moral and legal
premise of patient autonomy: You as the patient have the right to make decisions about your own health and medical conditions. You must give your voluntary, informed consent for treatment and for most medical tests and procedures.”

Both these principles are being violated. Quarantine and mask use are both medical interventions. The question is, can the violations be justified? There are situations where it is generally agreed that the consent principle can be violated with moral justification. A pertinent example is quarantine. When a person represents a serious threat to others, if he (or she) will not consent to isolate it is moral to violate it. With careful consideration of the high importance of the implications to freedom. These are principles that define who we are as people who respect God-given rights.

These are principles that define who we are as people who respect God-given rights.

Lockdown is a form of quarantine. In all of history, it has never been done as it is being done now. It is clearly a violation of consent as it is a healthcare intervention and many do not consent. But is it justifiable?

The justification for quarantine is based on sound knowledge that there is an indisputable and high probability of serious harm to others. Let’s see how this applies to Covid 19.

First we must consider that while the quarantining of a person or small group of people has potentially devastating effects on that small group only. Lockdown has potentially devastating effects on the entire community numbering in millions. The aggregate effects can hardly even be tallied and include loss of life that may potentially exceed loss due to the virus. This is not wild exaggeration. There are many who have warned of this. One means by which this may occur is economic crisis and collapse of the economy. We were near this already in 2007 when there was no economic hardship remotely close to what lockdown brings.

When the impact is so much greater the level of evidence and certainty of necessity should be accordingly higher. It should be essentially indisputable.

I believe the only justification for lockdown that may meet this standard is the threat of hospitals being overwhelmed. I know of very few people who would dispute that the loss of large numbers of lives due to lack of adequate care that cannot be provided or prevented by any other means justifies the potentially devastating effects of lockdown. This is not entirely indisputable but I believe it is at least close. If imposed, the duration should be only to the extent of ensuring there is adequate care for the sick. As quickly as possible, individual rights and freedoms should be restored.

In the early stage of the pandemic we saw hospitals overwhelmed in Italy and deaths resulting. While their situation may have been the result of the limitations of a socialized health care system, this can be considered indisputable evidence for the potential for this to happen here. Together with every effort to make care available, I believe the initial violation of consent was justifiable.

Thankfully we turned out to be over-prepared. The auxiliary tent hospitals and military ship hospitals were not used even in the areas worst afflicted. At about thirty days into the pandemic deaths in the United States had peaked and by forty days in the death rate was dropping dramatically. It has continued to decline. There has been no serious threat of lack of care since about the forty day mark. Most states have not come close to having hospitals overwhelmed. Yet most states have now been in lockdown for over 140 days.

Let’s shift now to the principle of “first do no harm”. At the beginning of the pandemic it was emphasized that we needed to flatten the curve. It was also stated clearly at the time, that based on the existing science regarding viral patterns, mitigation including lockdown could not be expected to reduce the total number of infections over time, but only to delay them.

Apart from the effects of avoiding overwhelmed hospitals, with the same number of cases, the death numbers should not be expected to be reduced. This is a very important concept that has been completely ignored. It begs this question. Why are we doing far more than is necessary to keep the curve flat enough to prevent hospitals being overwhelmed?

“Why are we doing far more than is necessary to keep
the curve flat enough to prevent hospitals being overwhelmed?”

As noted above, lockdown has devastating effects, the full measure of which cannot be known. Its death toll is being seen but not tallied, at least not reported. The duration of its impact cannot be known. These are indisputable statements that place extended lockdown beyond avoidance of overwhelmed hospitals into the category of unwarranted violation of both consent and harm principles. Many voices have stated the same things. Clearly, we do not have indisputable reason to be violating such important rights.

I am inclined to place more emphasis on the harm principle. I am genuinely concerned that lockdown, while its actual mitigation effects appear to be far less than what is claimed, may be extending the duration of the pandemic, ultimately increasing the risk of exposure to the vulnerable. We can keep nursing homes isolated to reduce risk, but for how long? I suspect if we were to ask the residents in nursing homes for consent to continue to isolate them, most would not give it. They are suffering. This adds to their suffering immensely. Many are dying alone. How does one quantify that on the harm scale?

I am genuinely concerned about the potential for economic meltdown. How can anyone not consider this when we were so close so recently and now trillions are being spent with dramatically less tax revenue to fund it? The death toll and negative health effects of an economic meltdown are hard to tabulate, potentially profound, and for my Canadian friends and family, you can be sure the impact would be global.

It is reasonable to give up our precious individual rights when there is indisputable evidence for the moral good, and we trust government to give them back as quickly as possible.

Nobody I know has a problem with the first part of that statement. It is the second part that is of huge concern. Trust requires honesty. The communications from health authorities have been less than honest, particularly with the risk presented by the virus. I wrote articles about this early on, explaining how the data did not support a mortality risk of more than about 0.1% when it was being reported as much higher.

I have since been proven correct. Not because I have special ability, it was easy to see. This may have been with good intent to encourage compliance but it destroyed credibility and trust. The incessant fear-mongering when the overall picture is improving has further eroded trust. The reporting of rising case numbers without the reduced death numbers belies an agenda to prolong lockdown.

It has been reported that the local ICU is near capacity. Often without clarifying that only four of the 23 critical beds were occupied by covid patients. There is no mention that we are still at one death for the county, weeks after case numbers have been rising. No mention that most years during flu season the entire hospital is at full capacity. Yes we could see more covid hospitalizations, but no we are not close to being overwhelmed.

What may have to happen is stopping elective surgery again, to make critical care beds available. Worst case, a tent hospital could be set up. Very unlikely. Bottom line, the current situation does not meet the high standard of indisputable justification for violating consent and the principle of do no harm.

Covid is political (duh). It has become very clear that the pandemic is being used as a weapon. I’ve tried not to be overly political but please, it’s just too obvious now that lockdown and economic hardship benefit the left in their bid to win an election. This is perhaps the most vile of all justifications for the violation of the consent and harm principles.

Finally, we have this. The idea of giving up individual rights in the context of political unrest and violence, that is clearly a hard push to impose Marxist ideology. You know, that utopia where you don’t really need rights. Government can be trusted with your rights. The mask mandate represents that idea to many people. Rightly so. Expect to see ongoing resistance.

The Vaccine may be Prolonging the Pandemic

How is it possible that the case rates are dropping the most in the states that have the lowest rate of vaccination? According to the public health authorities vaccination is our way out of the pandemic. Is this just a transient random event? Well, the five states with the lowest vaccination rates are seeing the most drop in covid cases. This is not likely to be random.

This is speculation on my part. It is a strange time when a family physician would need to venture out into this territory. I am not a virologist or epidemiologist, I just have the basic training in these areas that all MDs receive during medical school. Until recently I have felt comfortable following the directives of our health authorities. I felt no need to look elsewhere. The explanation for why I should feel compelled to speculate and defy the narrative, could easily occupy a book, but suffice it to say, many people, including many health professionals, myself included, have lost confidence in the health authorities.

many people, including many health professionals, myself included, have lost confidence in the health authorities.

I’ve gone into depth on that subject in my first blog article “Vaccine War Zone”, and expanded further on the idea of a kind of mass psychosis in the article “The Danger of Suppressing Early Treatment with Inhaled Steroid”.

In another blog article titled “The Danger of Mutation in the Vaccinated”. I speculated that the vaccine may be driving the appearance of variants. Because it is a non-sterilizing vaccine, meaning it does not completely eradicate the virus. Those who are vaccinated can and often do still carry the virus. They potentially become a breeding ground for resistant variants. I refer you to that article for more explanation on how that may happen.

I proposed in that article that not only might the variants be arising in the vaccinated, but that herd immunity occurs in populations that are unvaccinated in a way that does not happen in vaccinated populations. The Indian province of Uttar Pradesh had a very low vaccination rate. With a covid wave approaching, and delivery of the vaccine not feasible at the time, the WHO assisted in a massive and urgent campaign to get a package including, among other treatments, ivermectin to the entire population of over 20 million.

Here is an excerpt from that article about the results:

“The case positivity went from around 15% quickly down to 0.5%. The case number in the entire province dropped to under 200. Essentially this was a near sterilizing event. There is a political war over whether the “event” bringing about sterilization was ivermectin. The American health authorities are vehemently opposed to the use of ivermectin for Covid in spite of numerous studies suggesting it is effective. The WHO refrained from publicizing their data. Normally researchers would have a hay day with such a data goldmine, with such potential to answer burning important questions. But no report was produced. The MSM put out only brief statements stating that the rapid elimination of the outbreak had nothing to do with ivermectin.

The battle over ivermectin is a huge story unto itself. But I see an overlooked possibility. While it may be that ivermectin played a role, I suspect that something else accounts for what happened. This province had a very low rate of vaccination. It seems likely that a natural immune response was responsible for how completely the outbreak was quelled. A large neighboring province with a higher rate of vaccination did not see a similar rapid decline to such low positivity rates. They were not given ivermectin. It would seem that ivermectin or the human immune system or both did a better job.”

Science is about looking for patterns and applying the basics of what we understand, in order explain what we see happening. I’m suggesting there is a pattern here. It seems that covid case numbers drop faster after a covid wave in populations that are unvaccinated. The next very simple and very logical postulate is that vaccination may be prolonging the pandemic by preventing or delaying herd immunity, which may only be achievable through natural immunity.

It seems that covid case numbers drop faster after a covid wave in populations that are unvaccinated.

I’ve also written an article about why I believe children should not be vaccinated titled “The Danger of Vaccinating Children”. The possibility that natural immunity is the only path to herd immunity is another reason they should not be vaccinated. Children may be the key to ending the pandemic via natural herd immunity. Please visit that article to consider the other compelling reasons it is not in their best interest to be vaccinated.

Of course I am not aware of the entire medical literature on the subject, but I have not seen this written or talked about. Perhaps the censors have succeeded in generating effective taboos. I don’t know but how sad if true. We should not be afraid that a hypothesis may be proven wrong. All such possibilities should be discussed openly without fear of marginalization or retribution.

Here is a report on the importance of natural immunity.

My original motivation to write was in defense of those who choose not to be vaccinated. The perspective presented here provides further validation for choice, (although it stands alone purely on principle) and calls into question once again the “vaccinate every man woman and child on the planet” agenda.

My sense from early on was that when you have a new vaccine with great uncertainty regarding outcomes including its effectiveness in ending the pandemic (now very much in doubt) and regarding possible adverse effects (the VAERS database is now very alarming and not being addressed), that the experimentation should be limited to those we know are at high risk.

I’m standing by my original position. Which makes clear first and foremost that even those at highest risk should have freedoom of choice, free of any form of coercion. Anything else is a violation of the informed consent principle which should be a bedrock principle but now is not. That is a symptom, a danger signal of a civilization at risk to regress back to totalitarian rule. The norm for humanity.

I wish I could say with certainty that the risk of severe illness and death from covid clearly outweighs the risk of adverse effects and death from the vaccine. But I cannot. And I submit that neither can anyone. It does not matter who you are, what credentials you may have, what authoritarian position you may hold, you do not have the statistics to make that claim with certainty. Clearly the mantra “the covid vaccine is safe” is false and a gross violation of informed consent. The mantra is propaganda.

It does not matter who you are, what credentials you may have, what authoritarian position you may hold, you do not have the statistics to make that claim (the vaccine is safe) with certainty.

It is clear that the vaccine has saved many lives. The large majority of deaths have been among the unvaccinated. What is not clear is how many the vaccine has killed, and how many have been severely injured. We have enough information to say that the numbers are not small. That this side of the equation has not been thoroughly documented and analyzed and reported on with transparency is criminal. That there has been no assistance and compensation for the deaths and injuries is repugnant.

That this side of the equation has not been thoroughly documented and analyzed and reported on with transparency is criminal

Much of the population understands this. Moving forward will be difficult. It is like a marriage after infidelity. Trust will not be won back easily.

And where does this leave us, the practitioners having the heavy responsibility to guide our patients through these very troubled waters? It is a conundrum. But the truth is there have always been many things we are not sure of. More than we like to think. So the right pathway is to admit uncertainty and do the best we can with what we have.

My gut sense is that the vaccine makes sense for those at high risk from covid. Where to draw the line I do not know. That is a discussion to have with each individual. Vaccination of children against covid is a clear cut breach of ethics. It puts them at risk of potentially severe side effects, potentially reduces their resistance to future more severe variants, (see the article “The Danger of Vaccinating Children” for more on that) and may put everyone at increased risk by preventing herd immunity.

For everyone in between, it’s a grey zone judgement call. I tell everyone to pray for wisdom in making a choice, make the choice and trust God. No need for fear and worry, which are corrosive to our health. Pray for the nation. And pray for an entire world that is going off the rails.

Let me know what you think in the comment section.

The Danger of Suppressing Effective Early Treatment with Inhaled Steroid

Inhaled Steroid Disappoints for COVID-19— But not a complete flop

I have been recommending Inhaled steroid use early in covid for those with significant respiratory symptoms. I had not seen any good studies with proof of good results but when the only helpful treatment for patients in the ICU is high dose intravenous steroids, it just makes sense that early use in an inhaled form could be effective.

Especially when we know lung damage results, not primarily from direct attack by the virus, but from our own immune system’s response. It’s very similar to what asthma does but potentially much more severe. Inhaled steroids are the cornerstone of treatment that tones down the immune-mediated inflammation that causes asthma.

So of course I’m on the lookout for information that would confirm or refute this approach and I run across this article with a title that suggests I am wrong. Because patients didn’t feel better. Until I kept reading the article. Look at the title. Then look at this quote from the article.

“Odds of needing hospitalization or an emergency department (ED) visit, however, were slashed more than 80% “

It seems very odd to have to point this out. Improvement of symptoms is never the primary goal when treating a life-threatening illness. Improving odds of severe illness, hospitalization and death is the goal. Again how very strange to need to clarify the obvious.

How are we to account for this total breach of basic logic? A subtitle adds “But not a complete flop”. This is an indication that there is still a glimmer of logic, but that logic itself is in the ICU on life support. My conclusion is that it fits a pattern. Here we have strong evidence for a successful treatment being dismissed. It is exactly the same thing that has been done with ivermectin when multiple randomized studies showed promising results.

This is an indication that there is still a glimmer of logic, but that logic itself is in the ICU on life support.

To make sense of it requires delving into the larger picture, the political landscape. I’ve done what I can to provide insights in my article “Vaccine War Zone” here on this blog. When you have the broader perspective things like this are no longer puzzling. This is just one more nail in the coffin for any credibility for how Covid Is being managed. This presentation does a good job of explaining how the medical establishment and the global society can appear to be insane.

There is clarity when you understand that we are under political attack and the pandemic is a potent weapon being used to accomplish what is referred to as The Great Reset. The World Economic Forum coined the term and is among a large consortium of leftist power players promoting it. Their famous slogan is “you will own nothing, and you will like it”.

“you will own nothing,

and you will like it”

Search “The Great Reset” on YouTube and you will see a long string of promotional presentations, a few mocking those who fear it, and quite a few Christian leaders responding, giving their understanding of what it is really about, a plan to destroy the freedom this nation has given us based on the principles of freedom taught in the Christian Bible.

Here’s a presentation promoting the reset. You will recognize the faces of leftist ideology.

At first, it seems odd that the resistance to The Great Reset which presents itself as a political agenda comes primarily from religious leaders. But it makes sense. This is a religious war. The Great Reset has Marxism at its core. Marxism seeks to destroy religion, particularly Christianity. In fact, it is fundamentally a war not primarily on freedom but on the source of freedom which is Christianity.

Of course it is clothed in good intentions. You know which road is paved with good intentions, right? Be warned, The Great Reset is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

And if you get covid, ask your doctor about treatment with inhaled steroid.