The Danger of Vaccinating Children

We have politicians making the decision to vaccinate children. The mandate was announced weeks ago in California, long before a CDC approval. Parents have good reason to be concerned when politicians are in charge of their children’s health.

Parents have good reason to be concerned when politicians are in charge of their children’s health.

Not only are politicians unfit to make health decisions, the CDC is also unfit. Numerous articles have appeared even in liberal publications describing how the CDC with its willy nilly decisions and cherry picked “science” has lost credibility. Take for example their recent decision to begin booster shots. The panel of experts tasked with making the decision advised against initiating the shots. The CDC went forward anyway. Three members of the panel resigned indicating their loss of confidence in the leadership of the CDC. So now what kind of expert panel are we left with?.

Vaccination of children is a violation of the bedrock “first do no harm” principle that until this pandemic has guided the actions of physicians. The benefits of a proposed treatment must be clearly shown to outweigh any potential downsides. And another bedrock principle states that this calculation of risk vs benefit must be clearly explained by what is referred to as “informed consent”. Notice the word consent. Any coercion or manipulation is unethical. People must be free to choose. This is outlined in the Nuremberg code written to prevent any repeat of medical atrocities by the Nazis.

Vaccination of children is a very violation of the bedrock “first do no harm” principle

Children in the 5 to 15 age group have a Covid mortality risk in the range of about two per million. Half of the deaths have occured in those with serious underlying conditions, so for a healthy child, one in a million. In other words next to zero. In order to say we are following the risk vs benefit calculation and the principle of “first do no harm” the potential for vaccine injury must be zero. It is clearly not zero.

Children in the 5 to 15 age group have a Covid mortality risk in the range of about two per million.

The truth is we do not have good data on the incidence of side effects in adults because they are being intentionally disregarded. Those who want to have that conversation are censored and threatened with discipline. Common sense says the risk of serious side effects for children is a long way north of two per million.

Common sense says the risk of serious side effects for children is a long way north of two per million.

The most obvious example of “not zero” is myocarditis. This condition is most common in young males but can affect any child, or adult for that matter. It is an immune mediated condition, the result of the immune reaction to the vaccine being directed against the person’s own body.

This is the same as what can happen when a person is infected with Covid.

When it is caused by the vaccine your body is reacting to the spike protein which is the most reaction inducing part of the virus. The same conditions caused by the virus can be caused by the vaccine. A myriad of similar serious immune reactions to the vaccine have been documented in adults.

These reactions to the vaccine are much more common in those who have already had Covid. Because they are already sensitized. The immune system can have an out of control response. A large number of children have already had Covid. Far more than we know because they generally have minimal symptoms or none at all. Children share viral illness like candy. Not only do they already have far better immunity than the vaccine can offer, their immunity puts them at risk for serious vaccine adverse effects.

Not only do they already have far better immunity than the vaccine can offer, their immunity puts them at risk for serious vaccine adverse effects.

As you view the CDC data below, consider how many cases will happen when mass vaccination is underway. This condition can be fatal and can permanently damage the heart. The pharma companies are not liable. Victims are not likely to be given any special assistance or compensation.

The CDC continues to deny that any of the 15,000 deaths of adults recorded in the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) database are true cause and effect. A long list of other serious adverse effects is essentially being ignored as well. This has been described as malfeasance. This implies intentional disregard for life. In my view that is not a strong enough term.

A long list of other serious adverse effects is essentially being ignored

An individual with a story is considered anecdotal evidence. While this is considered to be a weak form of evidence I think it fitting to insert the story of a young woman whose story shows strong evidence of cause and effect. The story is necessary to describe how adverse effects are being handled. Also important to note is that there is a large group of people with similar stories. Heartbreaking as it is, I encourage you to watch the whole thing.

Before vaccinating their children, I want parents to see this and consider carefully if it makes sense to put the lives of their children in the hands of those who treat people in this most despicable way.

There are deeper concerns about the wisdom of vaccinating children. We have strong evidence that natural immunity is far more effective than vaccination. In a study done on millions in Israel, it was found that natural immunity provided 27 times better protection from serious illness than vaccination. If we vaccinate children we deprive them of the opportunity to form this stronger natural immunity.

we deprive them of the opportunity to form this stronger natural immunity

We also know that vaccine immunity fades quite quickly. This is the reason for booster shots after only six months. We don’t know how long natural immunity will last but it is reasonable to think it could be many years. Vaccine immunity is very narrow, directed only toward the spike protein. Natural immunity is the result of exposure to the entire living virus. No surprise that it would be far more robust.

We also have a cautionary tale from the 1918 pandemic. That influenza caused hundreds of times the years of life lost compared to covid. Because it killed young people in their late teens to early twenties. The best explanation for this is that the older generations had natural immunity from having previously been exposed to a similar strain. It is very possible that vaccination will deprive our children of the opportunity to obtain lasting strong natural immunity that could protect them from a future similar and potentially more deadly pandemic. It is an opportunity that comes at almost zero risk.

strong natural immunity could protect them from a future similar and potentially more deadly pandemic

Let’s not forget that this is an experimental totally new technology. Many highly qualified physicians, virologists, and other scientists have expressed grave concern over current and future side effects. How do we brush these concerns aside and proceed with mass experimentation on our children?

The current cadre of politicians are on record with the belief that they have greater authority over the lives of our children than parents. And they are asserting their belief that they also have authority over the lives of adults and what medical treatments we should be subjected to. That is the Marxist way.

We do not put our children in harm’s way for the good of the commune.

The argument will be presented that we must do this to our children for the good of all. A contribution toward the end of the pandemic. For that is the Marxist way. That this is likely to fail is not the point. I hope others will join me in repudiating this thinking. Good parents are willing to lay down their lives for their children. We do not put our children in harm’s way for the good of the commune.


This article is periodically updated and edited. I update as information or ideas come along. Some of the edits were to diminish a critical tone contained in the original version. This was a response to valued feedback from friends. Some disagree with my views.

We are still friends.

4 thoughts on “The Danger of Vaccinating Children”

  1. Arlie,
    You know exactly where I stand, as I stand with you.
    I am not being melodramatic with my reply.
    My reply is sung by my favorite performer, Elvis Presley
    who performs my favorite song, If I can Dream.

    I am forwarding it to you on You Tube, in a separate send. Listen to the words
    and appreciate the passion, and you will have my complete reply.
    For this is where I am tonight.



  2. God gave us intelligence for a reason. Rather than just depend on what the government is telling us we must gently nudge our own doctors to find out the truth. There is plenty of truth out there if anyone wants to know it. Thanks for standing on the Hippocratic oath. Jim Hollingsworth


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